Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between the Sholom Foundation and the Sholom Community Alliance?
The Sholom Foundation is the philanthropic and charitable entity raising funds to support Sholom Community Alliance’s operations, services, and programs.

Is Sholom Foundation a tax-exempt nonprofit organization?
Yes. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations to Sholom Foundation are tax deductible to the extent of the law.

What is the Sholom Foundation tax ID number?
Sholom Foundation’s tax ID number is 36-3411361.

Does Sholom Foundation make grants to individuals or other community organizations?
No. Sholom Foundation solely supports the Sholom Community Alliance’s operations, services, and programs

How can I get involved at Sholom?
Sholom offers many volunteer opportunities and ways to contribute. Join us in our work.

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